Brief Intervention Transcript
Sam Brief Intervention - Now that you have an overview of the Brief Intervention Process, please click the picture below to watch the brief intervention process with our patient Sam.
Sam Video - So the other thing that you had answered for us was how ready are you to change? And so one of the things you said that you are about at a two. Mm-hmm Okay, so would you mind if I give you some information just about kind of... Where we see you at based on what your scores are? Go for it. Okay, so currently right now your score just on our alcohol screen is about a 19. Okay. So that indicates that we really have some concerns about how much you're drinking really impacting your overall health. We know that people that tend to drink at that level actually will actually start to have some physical symptoms so our normal the actual normal drinks for a man your age actually would be no more than two drinks a day no more than 14 drinks in a week. Okay. And we know that anything that's a little bit higher than that actually will lead to some of some of the consequences that you're actually starting to see where you say. You don't feel so good at waking up the next day. Yeah and kind of the missing work, so it's kind of letting us know that your body is starting to show some signs Mm-hmm. The other part is with the heroin and the marijuana, you know. We know that that can lead to issues with your lungs and some other things some memory issues and so those are things that we really want to make sure you understand. It's part of kind of what can happen if you use substances like that. Okay. So how does that sound you? I mean it's sounds...bad, you know like it doesn't sound like.. Okay. It doesn't sound like something that I... Necessarily should keep doing to myself. Okay. So I guess what's...What's next? Where do I go from here? I guess the first thing we have to think about is what what do you like about what you're currently doing? So what are the good parts of the drinking and the partying? What do you like about it? I hate my job. I'm stressed during the week, you know the weekend. I just get to hang out with my friends get a little get a little messed up and forget about everything else that's going on. Okay so on the one hand you get the hang out with your friends you get to kind of release some of that stress that you've build up during those five days at the job. You really don't like and It's good. It's fun. Right? All right, and then so what are the bad sides? I was like, what are the things that you don't like about it? I mean clearly I've missed I'm here right now. I've missed some work. It doesn't make my body feel great And it's having a toll on my relationship as well. So I realized that there are downsides. Okay, so you said you were two which means that you're like really in the beginning parts of yeah, I probably should change some of this. Why aren't you a zero? Because I realized that there are these issues and I realized that this has consequences but to me at this point the fun outweighs the consequences. Okay. So what would it take to get you to say to a four? Like what what do you feel like would have to happen? For you or for yourself to get you to a four, which is about 40% ready to change. I think I just need an alternative for the stress relief in particular Just something that I could do to really I don't know shake off the week. Okay so you said you've been doing this for about eight years? What did you do to relieve stress before you started drinking or using drugs? I used to love... ballroom dancing was really fun. Oh wow alright. And I also over the past several years. I do hot yoga sometimes as well. Okay. And I find that to be super relaxing. Okay. So either hot yoga or the ballroom dancing. So when you think about making a change, um, what do you feel like if you were going to make one? What do you feel like you could make a change and do just with based on the information and I've given you, what do you feel like if you've had to pick one thing? I mean I could cut out the heroin Okay. It would make my boyfriend very happy if I did that and I'm sure my lungs would thank me as well. Okay. Alright. So with the same kind of scaling so zero being not at all confident and ten being very confident How confident are you that you would be able to just stop adding the heroin to the marijuana? Like a six or seven probably. Okay, that's actually pretty confident. So you you kind of see some of the concept. Okay. Alright so one of the things that going to do is I'll write this up as part of kind of your discharge plan it you know anything that you can do is going to be a positive thing to toward just being healthier So I definitely think that if that's something you feel like you can try it would be really good. The other thing is do you feel like that you would need any additional help with quitting like... So that maybe to go see somebody or talk to someone? Not necessarily for quitting the heroin but having a therapy resource might be good for me. Okay. So what we're agreeing to is that you think that you're going to try to cut out the heroin and I think that's a really, really good place to start and really thank you for committing to even thinking about it. Okay and then the other thing is on the Action Plan. I want to make sure I give you a resource. So if you find that it's a little bit more challenging than you thought that you'll have somebody that you know you can contact. So while it was really great to meet you today. I'm gonna hope that I never see you here again. I hope so. And again if you have any questions or anything that comes back up. You also have my card so you can call me as well. Perfect. Thank you so much.
Ms. Collins Motivational Interviewing - Now that you have learned about Motivational Interviewing it is time to watch it in action. In this training video Ms. Collins is an older adult living in a retirement community. Ms. Collins completed several screening tools indicating signs of depression and increased alcohol use. Based on the results of these screening tools, Ms. Collins was referred to the Community Social Worker. Please click the picture to start the training video.
Ms. Collins Video - So tell me what... I'm gonna sit this down.... tell me what you like about the drinking? It helps me to cope. Okay. It relaxes me. Okay so help you a cope with what? I'm here okay you know I really should not have listened to my sister. Okay, so what were they concerned about with you being able to stay in your home? That I was alone. Okay. You know they were concerned that you know I might go outside and fall even though I have a medical alert you know they they just worry too much. Okay so it really was a lot of pressure then she has to come here cause they were concerned they were more concerned about your safety? Yes. Are you, do you consider yourself a loner? Do you like that kind of quiet kind of being by yourself? Not all the time okay so you're social when you want to be yes okay so what are some of the bad size to the drinking? Oh pressure from my family. Okay. Yes. Okay so just having to hear from your cousins and your sister. Yes. Constantly about drinking. So what kind of things do they say about it? That I need to cut back or stop completely. Okay alright so what do you feel about that I feel that? I feel that I should be allowed to live my life. Okay. Yeah I mean look at where I'm at you know, there's nothing to do I'm bored I'm in a retirement home. Okay. It helps me to cope. Okay so you feel like that this is something that you used to be able to deal with everyday of having to be in a place like this. Yes. Okay had you ever thought about me in someplace like this when you were at this point in your life? Yes I have thought about it. Okay so when you thought about it before um did you think about it that it wouldn't be a bad thing or a good thing? Neither really I thought it would be more positive than it is I'll put it that way. Okay yeah so what did you think would be more positive? Oh more to do okay more convenient okay okay so what did you use that your current that you feel like you're missing right now? Oh I'm missing gardening. Okay. I love to garden okay so yeah. I gardening is a big one. Yes going outside taking care of my lawn and and my yard. Okay you're like a green thumb? Yes. That was your thing? Yeah. So you you didn't realize how much you really were gonna miss... I didn't... the gardening? No. Alright so what's interesting is on one of the questionnaires we asked thinking about change and you said that you were five which is about 50% thinking about that you probably should make some changes. Okay. So my question is is why aren't you like a 1 or 2 with it with making a changing in your drinking? Mainly my family. Okay. Yes I'm tired of hearing them it's you know telling me I need to stop. I need you to cut down. Okay so this constant hearing thing kinda... of makes you on the fence? Yes, we go out to have fun and they're on me. Okay. Yes. Alright so why aren't you like say a seven or eight like what keeps you from getting up to the seven or eight. I'm not sure I'm just not ready yet I still need to be able to cope. Okay. And relax. So it seems that being able to cope with kind of change that you really weren't ready to make maybe is really what's kind of driving still needing that needing to drink in the way that you do? Okay which ways did you use to cope before? Like because you said you're only been drinking like this for a year and a half. Yeah. How did you use to cope with changes or things that made you uncomfortable before what have you done? Well it was Church. Okay I tend to not go as much anymore. Okay oh there were more activities for me to do it like I said gardening, love gardening. Okay so gardening and going to church and maybe being out a little bit more active. Yes. Alright so my question would be like if there were some things like that that you can do do you think that that will help you to be able to cut back a little bit on on how you're drinking like if you had some different ways that we could find the help you cope with really being in a place that makes you not as happy as you thought it would do you think that that would be something that we could possibly think of that could we need to feel a little bit better about being here? That's possible. Okay Alright so and specifically we have something that was like either gardening or maybe it's like some social connections where you can kind of get out here a little bit more. Bowling. Bowling. Yes. Alright so gardening bowling something where we could get you it kind of out a little bit more then that would be something that you think will help me to be able to cut back? I am hoping I can try. Okay so um one of the things you have we have actually quite a few programs that we can't actually set you up with that will help you to be able to go out like we have we do have a bowling group. It actually goes out they actually pick you up from a bus from downstairs and they actually have two different days that you can go bowling. Okay. And then we actually have a partnership with one of our community gardens that actually has a pickup that's similar to the same thing and they actually have a garden that they use and the thing that they grow actually they feed homeless shelters Really? Yeah and so you actually be able to garden you can go a couple of times a week and it actually will have food that you actually would be able to help some other people with. Now that would beĀ wonderful. Okay alright so my question would be is how much do you feel like you would be able to cut back if we were able to get some of these other things to help you cope. So if we were able to get those things in place how much do you think you could cut back if we gave you something else? Well frequency. Okay. Maybe I could cut it down to two glasses. Okay, two glasses... and not the glass oh maybe a quarter okay yeah so if we could possibly if we could get you set up with that stuff that sounds kind of interesting to you. Right. Just at least a try? Right. Then you think that that would be able to help become a cutback how much you drink? Oh yes, yes maybe twice a week and maybe just one drink. Okay alright so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna get those things in place for you and again what I'll do is I'll come back and I'll look at all of our community engagement we have cause we have so many things and I'm sorry I didn't bring those all with me today because I used just figure out what people like but just knowing that you like the gardening you like bowling I let me just look on my end and see kind of what are some of the options we have for you guys I know we have at least those two. Okay. And then we'll have you if you can see like how so do you think you would be able to start cutting back? Do you think if we... Let's see what day is today.... Today is Friday. Okay well I think I could start today okay all right so on a scale of 0 being not at all confident and 10 being extremely confident how confident are you that say this evening me that you could maybe have a little bit less just today? 7. Okay. That's pretty confident all right so what I'm gonna do the next step is I'm going to create a plan for you. Okay. I'm and again I'll come back for another visit we can kind of get everything scheduled I'll bring all the information about all our community projects and stuff. Okay. And we can have to see where you feel like that would fit in I meant what we'll do is we'll give you about a week of that. Okay. I'm and then that way you can see kind of how did the cutting down go. Okay. And did you have any problems in this there is you know other support I need to come in have for you. Okay. So that's how I can plan? It does. Alright. Well I thank you so much for your time and what we'll do is um I think it may be next Friday? Okay. About the same time? Alright. Alright so I'll be back and I'll have all your information for you. Alright. Sounds good. Thanks so much nice to meet you. Nice to meet you.